4th Leonardo Satellite Symposium at NetSci2013 (June 2013, Copenhagen)

Dates: 4 June 2013
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Website: http://artshumanities.netsci2013.net/
Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2013

ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND COMPLEX NETWORKS: the 4th Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2013 taking place in Copenhagen at DTU – Technical University of Denmark

The overall mission of the symposium is to bring together pioneer work in the overlap of arts, humanities, network research, data science, and information design. The 2013 symposium will leverage interaction between those areas by means of keynotes, a number of contributions, and a high-profile panel discussion.

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Special Issue of Interacting with Computers on the Social Implications of Embedded Systems (May 2012)

Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2012
Website: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/interacting-with-computers/call-for-papers

Research on Embedded Systems or Pervasive Computing (PerCom) and its associated sensory and mobile technologies, is shifting focus from studies in controlled research laboratories, to emerging prototype implementations in real world everyday applications. The future application of PerCom is envisaged to cover almost all public, personal and commercial aspects of our lives. The benefits of PerCom are numerous and wide ranging, providing unprecedented applications on a previously unseen scale. However, this large scale use of technology brings with it a series of potential implications for its users.

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