J Artistic Research special issue on Criticism (June 2014)

Website: http://www.jar-online.net
Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2014
Guest Editor: Mary Sherman

One of the most common terms bandied about in academic circles of late is ‘Artistic Research.’ It has become a regular feature in seminars, departments are being built around it, and exhibition texts are smattered with it. Yet, as the Journal for Artistic Research – a peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Artistic Research – reminds us, the term remains elusive. What JAR offers is not so much a definition of artistic research as examples of it. Recognising that text is only one of a number of possibilities to present research to a wider audience and taking advantage of online multimedia formats, the journal offers artists a space to unfold their research where they can use words and/or alternative modes of expressions, such as video, sound, and slide shows. The journal then provides a forum for peer-to-peer discussion.

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