Intl J of Design Sciences and Technology: open call for papers

The International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology ( is an independent and open platform for disseminating design knowledge. The design of new products drives to solve problems that their solutions are still partial and their tools and methods are rudimentary. Design is applied in extremely various fields and implies numerous agents during the entire process of elaboration and realisation. The Journal is a multidisciplinary forum dealing with all facets and fields of design. It endeavours to provide a framework with which to support debates on different social, economic, political, historical, pedagogical, philosophical, scientific and technological issues surrounding design and their implications for both professional and educational design environments. The focus is on both general as well as specific design issues, at the level of design ideas, experiments and applications.

Authors are invited to submit quality research papers for review. All submitted papers must conform IJDST Instructions (content, style and format) and are subject to blind peer-review. There is no deadline for submitting a paper. Each accepted paper will be published within four months after completion of the final draft (

Also proposals can be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for special issues covering one or more of the subject areas of the journal or a relevant topic.

Introducing a new international journal: Design Science


The aim of Design Science is to serve as the archival venue of science-based design knowledge across multiple disciplines. There is increasing recognition that design is a discipline in its own right with a holistic and multifaceted nature. Design knowledge is widely dispersed across fields with different terminologies, traditions and research practices. Rigorous design research is published primarily in discipline-oriented journals, most often inaccessible to wider audiences interested in design but without the requisite disciplinary depth. Design Science aims to facilitate communication across diverse fields and serve as a bridge across several communities, publishing original research but with a strong emphasis on accessibility by scholars from a diversity of disciplines. Design Science further aims to motivate scholars from these diverse fields to recognize the importance of their expertise to the design of artifacts and systems and thus pursue work with direct applicability to design.

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