Drawing Research Network Postgraduate Event (Oct 2014, Coventry UK)

Date: 23 October 2014
Location: Coventry University, UK
Contact: Deborah Harty d.j.harty@lboro.ac.uk
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 August 2014

The Directors of DRN & TRACEY in collaboration with Coventry University are pleased to announce a Drawing Research Network Postgraduate Event. The event will take place at Coventry University on Thursday 23rd October 2014.

The event aims to provide a space for discussion, dissemination and the exchange of knowledge of research methodologies developed by those either undertaking or recently completed PhD research, where drawing forms a part of the practitioner-research. The organisers would like to invite those engaged in drawing research in this context to submit a proposal for a 20 minute presentation that introduces and analyses the key points of their developed methodology.

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