Thinking Greece, Thinking Futures: Urmadic University HotHouse 3 (June 2013, Greece)

Dates: 27-30 June 2013
Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture
Deadline for submission of expressions of interest: 15 April 2013

Following the 1st Hothouse in Brisbane (July 2011) and the 2nd Hothouse in Paris (July 2012), Hothouse 3 aims to liberate thinking and initiate projects that inquire upon, and even begin to reverse, the conditions and principles through which Greece exists in a state of crisis. The intent of ‘Hothouse’ 3 is to bring together a dynamic collection of people from Greece and around the world in order to confront these issues in a structured way; this conversation will be grounded in the identification and elaboration of local agendas, aiming to think and initiate specific projects from which beginnings and directions can grow.

This is an Urmadic University project. Each year the Hothouse moves progressively according to its context: Hothouse 3 is different in the fact that instead of talking about problems to be faced, it is actually situated in a problem.

Expressions of interest to participate in the event are invited from:

1.      Disenfranchised Greek intellectuals/designers of all ages disenchanted by the current local status quo, interested in new thinking and critical practices (limited to 20 places)
2.      Members of the Urmadic University Network (limited to 20 places)

Place numbers are open to revision (based on the volume of expressions received/selection). The event will be conducted in English.

Further information on the previous Hothouses and the Urmadic University can be found at

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