Off the Lip: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation (Sep 2015, Plymouth UK)

Dates: 7-11 September 2015
Location: University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Contacts: (for papers), (for workshops)
Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2015 (for papers), 28 February 2015 (for workshops)

The promise of cognitive innovation as a collaborative project in the sciences, arts and humanities is that we can approach creativity as a bootstrapping cognitive process in which the energies that shape the poem are necessarily indistinguishable from those that shape the poet. For the purposes of this conference the exploration of the idea of cognitive innovation concerns an understanding of creativity that is not exclusively concerned with conscious human thought and action but also as intrinsic to our cognitive development. As a consequence, we see the possibility for cognitive innovation to provide a theoretical and practical platform from which to address disciplinary differences in ways that offer new topics and concerns for research in the sciences and the humanities.

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NORDES 20115: Design Ecologies: Challenging anthropocentrism in the design of sustainable futures (June 2015, Stockholm Sweden)

Dates: 7-10 June 2015
Location: Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline for submissions: 7 January 2015

Design hinges a natural-artificial continuum through humans’ natural capacity to produce what we call ‘the artificial’. At a time when human activity is threatening biodiversity and causing severe climate change, it becomes obvious that natural and artificial systems can no longer be conceived in isolation but only in relation to each other – or indeed as one.

The coupling of natural and artificial systems poses challenges due to its complexity and partly reveals the anthropocentrism that has traditionally characterised design. Several questions arise in this context. How can design practices embrace pluralism by recognising, in the manifestation of design itself, biological as well as cultural diversity? In other words, how do we in design, and beyond, move from the kind of ego-system we seem to be so trapped in towards the kind of eco-system everyone and everything can gain from? How are designers, educators and researchers of design currently engaging with these challenges, and how might or should they engage with them in the near future? Designers in Scandinavia have shaped and influenced many local human societies to an important extent through a legacy of democratic and user-centred values. How can these be extended to acknowledge and celebrate humans’ cohabitation on a global scale to also include the myriad of all other existing species and systems at alternative scales in time and space? How can the various design practices be genuinely sensitive to ecological complexity? And how can they be understood, designed and studied in relation to each other – or indeed as a whole?

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DRHA 2014 Conference: Communication Futures: Connecting interdisciplinary design practices in arts/culture, academia and the creative industries (Aug 2014, London UK)

Dates: 31 August – 3 September 2014
Location: London, UK
Deadline for submission of proposals: 14 April 2014

The University of Greenwich is glad to announce the Open Call for the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts International Conference.

DRHA2014 is an annual conference whose goal is to bring together the creators, users, distributors, and custodians of digital research and resources in the arts, design and humanities to explore the capture, archiving and communication of complex and creative research processes. DRHA provides an intellectual and physical space for cross-disciplinary discussion and the generation of new ideas, resulting in many new networks and productive research relationships.

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Debating Visual Knowledge (Oct 2014, Pittsburgh USA)

Dates: 3-5 October 2014: Debating Visual Knowledge
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh
Deadline for submissions: 11 April 2014

A symposium organized by graduate students in Information Science and History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh.

Visual knowledge and visual literacy have become pressing concerns across a variety of academic disciplines and areas of creative production. These concerns are shaped by the fluid definitions of “visual knowledge” and the multiple ways in which it manifests. Many forms of visual knowledge have capabilities that are not shared by language. This knowledge is produced, mediated, and distributed by a number of different objects, tools, media, and technologies. This symposium seeks to broaden understandings of intellectual and creative work by interrogating the theorization, production, use, and historicization of visual knowledge. We envision the event as an exploratory lab, comprising scholarly and creative projects that engage with these questions.

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4th Leonardo Satellite Symposium at NetSci2013 (June 2013, Copenhagen)

Dates: 4 June 2013
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2013

ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND COMPLEX NETWORKS: the 4th Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2013 taking place in Copenhagen at DTU – Technical University of Denmark

The overall mission of the symposium is to bring together pioneer work in the overlap of arts, humanities, network research, data science, and information design. The 2013 symposium will leverage interaction between those areas by means of keynotes, a number of contributions, and a high-profile panel discussion.

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Science and Method in the Humanities (Mar 2012, New York)

Location: Rutgers University
Date: 2 March 2012
Deadline for abstracts submission: 1 Nov 2011

Rutgers University announces “Science and Method in the Humanities,” an interdisciplinary graduate symposium to be held on March 2, 2012, with keynote speakers Peter Dear (Cornell University) and Barbara Herrnstein Smith (Duke University, Brown University).

The aim of the conference is to explore questions of method and methodology in the sciences and in humanities scholarship that engages the sciences. This one-day event will bring together scholars working across that curricular divide for an interdisciplinary discussion of science and method, ranging from the historical development of scientific methods and their various historical re-articulations to broader concerns of methodology across the humanities.
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2nd Leonardo Satellite Symposium: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks (Jun 2011, Budapest)

We are pleased to invite you to Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2011 taking place at the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.

Deadline for application: 6 February 2011.

We are pleased to announce the second Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011 on Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks. The aim of the symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research on complex systems within or with the help of arts and humanities.

The symposium will highlight arts and humanities as an interesting source of data, where the combined experience of arts, humanities research, and natural science makes a huge difference in overcoming the limitations of artificially segregated communities of practice. Furthermore, the symposium will focus on striking examples, where artists and humanities researchers make an impact within the natural sciences. By bringing together network scientists and specialists from the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of networks and their visualizations in general.

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Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks (May 2010, Boston)

Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks – a Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2010
taking place at BarabásiLab – Center for Complex Network Research,
Northeastern University in Boston, MA, on Monday, May 10, 2010.

By means of keynotes, contributed talks and interdisciplinary discussion we will explore and identify important issues surrounding the convergence of arts, humanities and complex networks. On the one hand we will concentrate on network structure and dynamics in areas ranging from art history and archeology to music, film and image science. In the same time we are interested in the development and critique of network visualizations from medieval manuscripts to the latest tools, such as Cytoscape and Processing. Our dual focus is based on the opinion that the study of networks and the study of visualizations of these networks complement each other, much in the same way as archeology cannot live without self-reflective art history – studying the represented always presupposes the study of representation. Bringing together network scientists and specialists from the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of networks and their visualizations, resulting in better images of networks, and a better use of these images. Running parallel to the NetSci2010 conference, the symposium will also provide a unique opportunity to mingle with leading researchers and practitioners of complex network science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.

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