Relating Systems Thinking and Design 3 (Oct 2014, Oslo Norway)

Dates: 15-17 October 2014
Location: Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
Deadline for submission of abstracts: UPDATED 16 April 2014

The emerging renaissance of systems thinking in design responds to the increasing complexity in all challenges faced by designers, strategists, and transdisciplinary innovators. We are facing deeply entangled problematics in natural, social, economic, and political systems. Our professional and organizational worlds have become too complex for linear goal-driven management, and the solution of conventional design thinking is insufficient to address complexity across domains, scales, and networks. New thinking, new knowledge, and new forms of intervention are required to take on this web of interconnected challenges.

The theme for Relating Systems Thinking and Design 3, to be held in Oslo in October 2014, is: Knowledge of Forms and Forms of Knowledge.

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Making Futures: Interfaces between craft knowledge and design: new opportunities for social innovation and sustainability (Sep 2013, Plymouth UK)

Dates: 26-27 September 2013
Location: Plymouth College of Art, Plymouth, UK
Deadline for submissions: 10 May 2013

The CALL FOR ABSTRACTS is now open and the closing date for receipt is 10th May 2013. Making Futures invites submissions from artists, craftspeople, designers, curators, historians, theorists, campaigners, activists, and representatives from public and private institutions with an interest in the relationship between contemporary craft practice, sustainability and social issues.

Making Futures aims to investigate contemporary craft as a ‘change agent’ within 21st century society – particularly in relation to global environmental and sustainability issues, social equity and social innovation practices. In doing so, it tries to explore whether these imperatives present opportunities for the crafts to redefine and reconstitute themselves as more centrally productive forces in society.

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6th Intl Conf on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (Jul 2012, Orlando Florida USA)

In conjunction with the 2nd Intl Symp on Collaborative Enterprises
Dates: 17-20 July 2012
Website 1:
Website 2:
Location: Orlando, Florida
Deadline for submissions: 17 March 2012

Submissions for Face-to-Face or for Virtual Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.

With the purpose of fostering Inter-disciplinary Communications participants registered at any conference or symposia can attend any sessions of the collocated events. Registered participants will also receive a CD containing the proceedings of all collocated events, and will have a password to access any virtual session of the jointly held events, so they can comment any paper presented at any of the collocated events.

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Making: an intl conf on materiality & knowledge (Sep 2012, Norway)

Location: Notodden, Norway
Dates: 24-27 September 2012
Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2012

In Notodden, Norway, september 2012, the international conference “Making – an international conference on Materiality and Knowledge” will take place. The  conference aims to provide an outlet for international and interdisciplinary knowledge production within the Making Disciplines/Making Professions/Making Education.

We kindly invite you to submit abstract to the conference by 15th March 2012. Please visit our website: for more information about the two versions of paper presentation (with or without peer-response), and for more information about the conference theme, aim and organizer.

Do you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask either or

Knowledge/Culture/Social Change Intl Conf (Nov 2011, Sydney)

Knowledge/Culture/Social Change International Conference
Dates: 7-9 November 2011
Location: Sydney, Australia
Deadline for proposals/abstracts: 3 June 2011

The humanities and social sciences today struggle to come to terms with the explosion of knowledge in increasingly complex, diverse and networked societies. Which forms of knowledge work best for managing, challenging orengaging with rapid social change? Do new kinds of information play anincreasing role in economic and social management? Do these changes raisequestions about what ‘knowledge’ is, or is to become? What are the new rulesfor engagement between academic and other knowledge practices and institutions?

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7th Intl Conf on Technology, Knowledge and Society (Mar 2011, Spain)

Location: University of Basque Country – Universidad del Pais-Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, Spain
Dates: 25-27 March 2011
Submission Deadline: 15 Feb 2011

We are pleased to host the Technology Conference this year at the Universidad del Pais Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea in Bilbao, Spain.  One of Spain’s most important economic centers, Bilbao has several key industrial sectors including aeronautics, electronics and information technology.  Bilbao has also recently undergone an urban resurgence. The most noticeable on its skyline is the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum.

This conference will address a range of critically important themes in the various fields that address the complex and subtle relationships between technology, knowledge and society. The conference is cross-disciplinary in scope, meeting points for technologists with a concern for the social and social scientists with a concern for the technological. The focus is primarily, but not exclusively, on information and communications technologies.

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EKSIG 2011: SkinDeep – Experiential Knowledge and Multi Sensory Communication

International Conference 2011 of the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge
Date: Thursday and Friday, 23 – 24 June 2011
First Deadline: 800 word abstract by 30 September 2010 via the conference website.
Organisers: Kerstin Mey, Kristina Niedderer, Seymour Roworth-Stokes, Linden Reilly
Venue: University for the Creative Arts, UK
Conference home page:

EKSIG 2011 will address the theme of “SkinDeep – Experiential Knowledge and Multi Sensory Communication”. The conference will be convened by the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG), and hosted by the University for the Creative Arts, UK.

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