4th Leonardo Satellite Symposium at NetSci2013 (June 2013, Copenhagen)

Dates: 4 June 2013
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Website: http://artshumanities.netsci2013.net/
Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2013

ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND COMPLEX NETWORKS: the 4th Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2013 taking place in Copenhagen at DTU – Technical University of Denmark

The overall mission of the symposium is to bring together pioneer work in the overlap of arts, humanities, network research, data science, and information design. The 2013 symposium will leverage interaction between those areas by means of keynotes, a number of contributions, and a high-profile panel discussion.

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Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks (May 2010, Boston)

Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks – a Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2010
taking place at BarabásiLab – Center for Complex Network Research,
Northeastern University in Boston, MA, on Monday, May 10, 2010.

By means of keynotes, contributed talks and interdisciplinary discussion we will explore and identify important issues surrounding the convergence of arts, humanities and complex networks. On the one hand we will concentrate on network structure and dynamics in areas ranging from art history and archeology to music, film and image science. In the same time we are interested in the development and critique of network visualizations from medieval manuscripts to the latest tools, such as Cytoscape and Processing. Our dual focus is based on the opinion that the study of networks and the study of visualizations of these networks complement each other, much in the same way as archeology cannot live without self-reflective art history – studying the represented always presupposes the study of representation. Bringing together network scientists and specialists from the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of networks and their visualizations, resulting in better images of networks, and a better use of these images. Running parallel to the NetSci2010 conference, the symposium will also provide a unique opportunity to mingle with leading researchers and practitioners of complex network science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.

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