7th Intl Conf on Persuasive Technology: Design for health and safety (Jun 2012, Linköping Sweden)

Dates: June 6–8, 2012
Location: Linköping, SWEDEN
Deadline for full papers: 6 Jan 2012
Website: www.ida.liu.se/conferences/persuasive2012

Persuasive Technology is a stimulating interdisciplinary research field that focuses on how interactive technologies and services can be designed to change people’s attitudes and behaviors. Influenced by areas such as classic rhetoric, social psychology and ubiquitous computing, researchers in this field are typically designing applications for domains such as health, business, safety, and education. The 7th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive 2012) will build on the successful prior conferences held at Eindhoven, Stanford, Oulu, Copenhagen, Claremont, and Columbus. The conference will feature the latest insights into how mobile and internet-based applications such as mobile games and social networking sites can be designed to influence behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. The conference is expected to gather researchers, practitioners, and students who are interested in networking, presenting, discussing and reflecting on central themes associated with persuasive computing and design.

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