Emerging Contexts for Systemic Design (Oct 2013, Oslo Norway)

Dates: 9-11 October 2013
Location: Oslo School of Architecture & Design
Website: http://www.systemic-design.net
Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2013

Relating Systems Thinking and Design is a free and open symposium over two days with a preceeding full day with diverse workshops and a subsequent special issue in FORMakademisk. We encourage you to submit your abstracts and to concider joining the workshops. We are interrested in both work in progress and more developed contributions.
9th October: Workshops
1oth – 11th October: Symposium

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Intl J of Design: Special Issue on Integrating Systems Thinking and Design Action

Full Paper Due: 31 May 2010

The scope of design has grown from a narrow focus on the function and aesthetics of objects to a broader focus on creating intentional change in society and culture through the creation of new products, services, systems, and environments. As part of this shift of focus, design inquiry is increasingly being adopted in a growing number of disciplines as a path toward innovative progress on real issues. Furthermore, as design continues to address ever more complex problems, its expanding scope appears to be increasingly overlapping with systems design. Therefore, we at the International Journal of Design believe it is an ideal time to once again consider the relationship between systems thinking and design action.

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