Participatory Innovation Conference (Jan 2011, Denmark)

14th – 16th January 2011 in Sønderborg, Denmark
Deadline for submission of abstract, material, or intent to contribute: 27 August 2010

Participatory Innovation gathers theories and methods across academic fields that describe how people outside an organisation can contribute to its innovation. Join this conference to help identify ways for industry and the public sector to expand innovation through the participation of users, employees, suppliers, customers etc. – both on a strategic level, in concrete methods, and in the day-to-day interactions.

PINC 2011 is held under the auspices of the SPIRE Research Centre.

Industry and public agencies increasingly adopt user-driven and open innovation, as they realise that innovation cannot come solely from within an organisation. Innovation happens in the ‘breaking of the waves’ between people outside and people inside – because they have different stakes and perspectives.

In academia, new breakthrough contributions to understanding innovation – and supporting it – will also emerge in the borderlands between disciplines that traditionally do not collaborate: between languages and design, and between management and anthropology for instance.

PINC 2011 is a forum where participants from different disciplines and organisations can meet and challenge each other to develop the field of participatory innovation.

The conference presents an exciting programme of five tracks:

  • Making Design and Analysing Interaction
    Physical ‘stuff’ like generative toolkits, tinkering and provotypes has proven highly valuable in encouraging people with different backgrounds to collaborate. But why does it work? This track brings together ‘makers’ of design collaboration with interaction analysts, who can explain what actually happens.
  • Staging Design Anthropology
    This track seeks participants in industrial, public sector or academic settings who wish to explore new activity formats that blur distinctions between user research and its application (or consumption).
  • Organising Participatory Innovation
    Organising participatory activities poses serious challenges to management, both to establish conditions on a strategic level for such activities to take place, and to organise them on a practical level so they become a success. In this track practitioners and researchers within innovation management and organisational development meet to develop a deeper understanding of ‘organising’.
  • Designing Innovative Business Models
    Can users talk business? In this track practitioners, designers and business experts come together to create new ways of innovating business models with user participation – by moving business model discussions beyond marketing into the realm of interaction design!
  • Public Procurement of Participatory Innovation
    Using public purchasing to encourage innovation in companies has huge potential: the public agency gets a first rate product and industry improves competitiveness. But to make this viable there are challenges to overcome both in the public and private organisations – from policy level to daily practice. This track combines academic papers with theatre to bring together these levels.

For further details please visit the PINC 2011 website:

About Fil Salustri
I'm a design methodologist and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada. Adjectives that describe me include: secular humanist, meritocrat, and long-winded. Some people call me a positivist too, as if that were a bad thing. Go figure. My real home page is

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