EAD 2011: 9th Intl Conf of the European Academy of Design (May 2011, Portugal)

Theme: The Endless End
Dates: 4 – 7 May 2011
Deadline for abstract submissions: 20th September 2010 (UPDATED)
Information: endlessend2011@gmail.com

The European Academy of Design, the University of Porto and ID+, Institute for Research in Design, Media and Culture, invite you to the 9th EAD International Design Conference: The Endless End.

The conference offers a forum for design academics, researchers, practitioners, thinkers and industry representatives to meet, exchange ideas and share new knowledge and insights across the fields of design. The conference includes keynote lectures, papers, posters and an exhibition of practice-based design research. The language of the conference is English. All documentation and related media will be in English.

There is a sense of vertigo permeating contemporary culture as a whole, and design in particular. So much so, that we often find ourselves wondering if design as we have known it still matters.  Design seems to have lost its universe of focus, branching exponentially into a multitude of concerns and activities formerly situated well beyond its scope. Likewise, design seems to be the new interest of so many professionals situated outside its area of expertise; not long ago it seemed like design was being courted, and maybe even actively cultivating, a territorial ambiguity that has kept its professionals worried, to say the least. Design now speaks of street culture and cutting-edge technology, museums and iPhone apps, just as it has spoken of campaign posters, haute couture, heavy industries, exercises in kitsch and typography.

This dissipation of a discernible territory of practice could seem like a loss at first, until we gradually came to understand that Design is, after all and despite the contextual noise, a deeply human activity, and, as such, any circumscription of its potential would, in itself, be an artifice, an operational and transitory device; and that, rather than being devalued by this apparent dilution of its area of expert operation, Design suddenly has the opportunity to expand and mature as far as its context, content and purpose are concerned.

Conference Themes

locality: the role of design in specific social and cultural environments (case studies), localisation of design and production
liquidity: design´s redefined and expanding territories
nomadism: design actively searching for new areas and tools of expertise
involvement: design as a catalyst for change and progress
vertigo: envisioning what´s ahead, calibrating past inheritances
education: how can design be taught in an era of multiplicity, prosumers and open creativity?

Call for Papers

The Conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum).  Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit papers up to 2,500 words in length that report significant and original design-related research.
Accepted papers will be refereed and published in the conference proceedings.

Call for Posters

The conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum). Abstracts may be accompanied by up to 3 illustrations.  The posters are intended to provide a snapshot view of ongoing or recently completed design related research.  The posters should include the title, objectives, methodology and current or expected outcomes of the research.  The posters will be reproduced as PDF images and incorporated into the published proceedings.

Call for Exhibition Proposals

The conference invites the submission of proposals (500 words maximum) for the exhibition of practice-based design related research.  The proposal should describe the work being exhibited, giving precise dimensions.  For each exhibited artefact authors will be asked to provide a concise written explanation describing the related research.

Early Stage Researchers

The European Academy of Design wishes to be supportive of early stage researchers. This includes researchers who may have had limited experience of submitting and presenting papers at an international level or doctoral students.  Therefore submissions under this category will receive a sympathetic review and additional feedback may be given.  If you are an early stage researcher and wish your abstract to be considered under this category, please indicate when submitting your abstract by checking the appropriate field on the conference web site.

Important Dates

30th June 2010 – Online submission of abstracts open
1st September 2010 – Deadline for submission of abstracts/poster abstracts/exhibition proposals
1st October 2010 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts/ proposals
1st December 2010 – Deadline for submission of full papers
5th February 2011 – Notification of acceptance of full papers
4 – 7 May 2011 – Conference takes place

Contact conference organizers at: endlessend2011@gmail.com

About Fil Salustri
I'm a design methodologist and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada. Adjectives that describe me include: secular humanist, meritocrat, and long-winded. Some people call me a positivist too, as if that were a bad thing. Go figure. My real home page is http://deseng.ryerson.ca/~fil.

8 Responses to EAD 2011: 9th Intl Conf of the European Academy of Design (May 2011, Portugal)

  1. Sónia Pinto says:

    The 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
    Porto, Portugal
    4 – 7 May 2011


    Abstract submission until
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2010

    Submit abstracts by email to:

    Due to various requests, the deadline for abstract submission for EAD2011 has been extended:
    September 20, 2010.

    The European Academy of Design, the University of Porto and ID+, Institute for Research in Design, Media and Culture, invite you to the 9th EAD International Design Conference: The Endless End.

    The conference offers a forum for design academics, researchers, practitioners, thinkers and industry representatives to meet, exchange ideas and share new knowledge and insights across the fields of design. The conference includes keynote lectures, papers, posters and an exhibition of practice-based design research. The language of the conference is English. All documentation and related media will be in English.

    There is a sense of vertigo permeating contemporary culture as a whole, and design in particular. So much so, that we often find ourselves wondering if design as we have known it still matters. Design seems to have lost its universe of focus, branching exponentially into a multitude of concerns and activities formerly situated well beyond its scope. Likewise, design seems to be the new interest of so many professionals situated outside its area of expertise; not long ago it seemed like design was being courted, and maybe even actively cultivating, a territorial ambiguity that has kept its professionals worried, to say the least. Design now speaks of street culture and cutting-edge technology, museums and iPhone apps, just as it has spoken of campaign posters, haute couture, heavy industries, exercises in kitsch and typography.

    This dissipation of a discernible territory of practice could seem like a loss at first, until we gradually came to understand that Design is, after all and despite the contextual noise, a deeply human activity, and, as such, any circumscription of its potential would, in itself, be an artifice, an operational and transitory device; and that, rather than being devalued by this apparent dilution of its area of expert operation, Design suddenly has the opportunity to expand and mature as far as its context, content and purpose are concerned.

    locality: the role of design in specific social and cultural environments (case studies), localisation of design and production
    liquidity: design´s redefined and expanding territories
    nomadism: design actively searching for new areas and tools of expertise
    involvement: design as a catalyst for change and progress
    vertigo: envisioning what´s ahead, calibrating past inheritances
    education: how can design be taught in an era of multiplicity, prosumers and open creativity?

    The Conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum). Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit papers up to 2,500 words in length that report significant and original design-related research.
    Accepted papers will be refereed and published in the conference proceedings.

    The conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum). Abstracts may be accompanied by up to 3 illustrations. The posters are intended to provide a snapshot view of ongoing or recently completed design related research. The posters should include the title, objectives, methodology and current or expected outcomes of the research. The posters will be reproduced as PDF images and incorporated into the published proceedings.

    The conference invites the submission of proposals (500 words maximum) for the exhibition of practice-based design related research. The proposal should describe the work being exhibited, giving precise dimensions. For each exhibited artefact authors will be asked to provide a concise written explanation describing the related research.

    Early Stage Researchers
    The European Academy of Design wishes to be supportive of early stage researchers. This includes researchers who may have had limited experience of submitting and presenting papers at an international level or doctoral students. Therefore submissions under this category will receive a sympathetic review and additional feedback may be given. If you are an early stage researcher and wish your abstract to be considered under this category, please indicate when submitting your abstract by email.

    30 June 2010 – Online submission of abstracts open
    NEW 20 September 2010 – Deadline for submission of abstracts/poster abstracts/exhibition proposals
    NEW 15 October 2010 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts/ proposals
    NEW 13 December 2010 – Deadline for submission of full papers
    5 February 2011 – Notification of acceptance of full papers
    4 – 7 May 2011 – Conference takes place

    Contact conference organizers at:

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  6. Pingback: CFPS: updated « Erik Champion

  7. wendy says:

    Please can you let me know more about the conference and a list of topic to be addressed &subject focus.

    I am a freelance British writer and am also presently doing an (unpaid) project on Portuguese Arts, Design and Craft.

    I can send you more details.

    But can you tell me what the situation is please to obtain press access to the course? I would be reporting for a number of mediums and websites.

    Also please do you know if any one else would be travelling from the algarve (preferably by car) to porto for the conference .

    Thank you

    Wendy Scott

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