NORDES Summer School: Design on the Move (Aug 2012, Oslo)

Dates: 27-29 August 2012
Location: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
Deadline for submission:  1 August 2012.

Design researchers increasingly do approach complex environments to find new possibilities and solutions. This challenges the research methods as well as the design methods we use. This year we have put together a programme for NORDES Summer School 2012 that will focus on how the research methodologies in several design based research approaches do relate to the complex issues of mobility and urban contexts.

The theme Design on the Move are to do with the shaping of interdisciplinary inquiry and methods following the medley of theory and practice related to the use of designed artifacts or solutions in mobile situations. This year’s summer school will be dedicated to practical workshops as well as formal research presentations and talk focusing on of how methods develop, in accordance to theories and current approaches to designing for mobility and place-making.

Mobile life, mobility and urban place making entail new forms of citizen participation as well as community building that concern a wide spectre of design related disciplines, such as urban planning, cultural heritage, sustainability and green design movements. Mobility is currently conceptualized as going beyond the mundane movement-spaces  function that move ‘subjects’ and ‘objects’ about (Thrift 2004) into forms of mobility that transgress types of places and spaces. This summer school has put focus on how we can explore, observe and conceptualize these place-making processes methodologically.

The summer school is based on two formal research seminars where invited keynotes present diverging approaches to design methods into mobility, and where PhD students present mobility issues from their own research project, in addition to an experimental workshop day focused on practical activities with a variety of research methods related to mobility. The aim is to motivate participants to shift their current activities towards sharper and faster production of written texts and hopefully papers for the next NORDES Conference (2013).

Participation in NORDES summer school is free, but participants have to cover travelling and stay by themselves. We will suggest reasonable bookings.

Submissions may be sent to

Submission: 1-2 page position paper about your project and the relevance of summer school theme.

For further information and preliminary program, please visit:

About Fil Salustri
I'm a design methodologist and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada. Adjectives that describe me include: secular humanist, meritocrat, and long-winded. Some people call me a positivist too, as if that were a bad thing. Go figure. My real home page is

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