6th Information Design Intl Conf (Sep 2013, Recife Brazil)

Dates: 10-13 September 2013
Location: Recife, Brazil
Website: http://www.sbdi.org.br/cidi2013/
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 15 April 2013

It is with great pleasure that we announce the call for papers for the 6th Information Design International Conference [CIDI], which is a joint event with the 5th Brazilian Conference of Information Design and the 6th Information Design Student Conference [CONGIC].

The former two are biannual scientific events promoted by the Brazilian Society of Information Design [SBDI], with the aim of bringing together professionals, researchers and students to discuss information design issues. The Information Design Student Conference [CONGIC], on the other hand, is a scientific event directed towards students and recently graduated professionals, who have developed research in this field.

The combined promotion of these events constitutes an excellent opportunity for intellectual collaboration amongst researchers, professionals and students both from Brazil and abroad.
We would be delighted for you to attend these events!


Submission of paper proposals for all three events should address one of those themes:

(1) Communication: effectiveness of information systems in communicating messages, with focus on issues related to instructional design, form, sign systems, graphical symbols, maps, sequential art, data visualization, storyboarding.

(2) Education: the role of information design in education, with studies concerning information design programmes for higher education, educational artifacts, methods and approaches for teaching and learning within an information design perspective.

(3) Society: the role of information design as related to the use of
artifacts by individuals and/or their effects on society, including research topics such as social design, vernacular design, artisanal production, and semiotics.

(4) Technology: the role of information design in the production and use of technology by individuals, including investigations on human-computer interaction, hypermedia design, game design, augmented reality, animation, wayfinding, broadcasting design, and the evaluation of computational interfaces.

(5) Theory and History: historical and/or theoretical approaches and contributions to information design, including research on early information design and designers, proposals of taxonomies, frameworks and models.


Paper proposals should be prepared for submission as extended abstracts (500 to 1000 words, plus references).The official languages for submission are Portuguese and English. Papers whose first author is an undergraduate student or a recently graduated professional must be submitted to CONGIC.

Submissions to the 6th Information Design International Conference must be done via EASYCHAIR system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=6cidi5infodesignbras.

Submissions to the 6th Information Design Student Conference [CONGIC] must be done via EASYCHAIR system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=6congic.

Paper proposals will be blind reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee.Authors whose extended abstracts are selected for the conference will be requested to submit the full version of their paper, according to the conference guidelines, also via EASYCHAIR system.  Based on the evaluation of the full version, papers might be assigned for oral or poster presentation.All full papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Conference e-Proceedings (ISBN publication).


15th April: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
20th May: Authors notified of referees’ final decision for paper proposals
1st July: Submission deadline for full version of the papers (including presentation format)
1st July: Deadline for author registration

Papers selected for the 6th Information Design International Conference and that achieve the highest scores from the referees may be selected by the conference editorial board for publication in a new issue of the book series Selected Readings of the Information Design International Conference (ISBN publication), together with the keynote papers, or may be selected for publication in InfoDesign – The Brazilian Journal of Information Design (http://www.infodesign.org.br). Authors will be contacted in due time in order to provide their full authorization for publication.

About Fil Salustri
I'm a design methodologist and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada. Adjectives that describe me include: secular humanist, meritocrat, and long-winded. Some people call me a positivist too, as if that were a bad thing. Go figure. My real home page is http://deseng.ryerson.ca/~fil.

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