PICA 2014: DESIGN PIONEERS: It’s Your Turn to Lead the Way (May 2014, Edmonton, Canada)

Dates: May 7–10, 2014
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Deadline for Proposals: February 1, 2014
Website: http://www.picaconference.ca/

Design Educators: Lead the Way!
Share your design research, teaching and learning!

Call for Design Education Submissions!
Design educators are exploring new frontiers in design research, practice and Canadian design history; innovation in teaching and learning; and, questioning the state of design education today. This conference will consist of engaging academic presentations, hands-on workshops, and an energetic Powered by PechaKucha presentation series of design project case studies.

We invite contributions on all topics and perspectives related to the past, present and future of design education. Presentations could be theoretical in nature, they could document a research project, they could detail a case study of an innovative course project, or they could present proposals for new educational models.

Academic Research Presentations:
Submit an abstract of 300-500 words with 5-10 keywords in Microsoft Word .doc format. Please ensure that your submission has your name and school affiliation (individual or multi-author) on the first page with your keywords and abstract on the second page.

Teaching and Learning Powered by PechaKucha Presentations:
Submit a 100 word description outlining your case study topic in Microsoft Word.doc format along with a single page project brief in pdf format. Project briefs should include project objectives, criteria and learning outcomes and will be distributed to conference attendees. Both the 100 word description and project brief submission must include your name and school affiliation.

Alternative Forms and Processes
We are also very interested in supporting alternative forms and processes through which to participate and stimulate debate and discussion, think: panels, roundtables, posters and workshops but feel free to move beyond!

Submissions are subject to peer review and are open to all design educators and graduate students. Send your ideas and submissions by February 1!

Key Dates
February 1, 2014 Deadline to receive presentation and alternative forms submissions
March 1, 2014 Notification of acceptance
April 22, 2014 Deadline to receive final documents
May 7–10, 2014 PICA Conference

Submissions can be mailed to: education@picaconference.ca

Note that registering for, and presenting at, the Education Stream gives you full access to all the other talks and events at the PICA 2014 Design Pioneers conference

One Response to PICA 2014: DESIGN PIONEERS: It’s Your Turn to Lead the Way (May 2014, Edmonton, Canada)

  1. Pingback: PICA 2014: DESIGN PIONEERS: It’s Your Turn to Lead the Way (May 2014, Edmonton, Canada) | Papers Wanted - Call for Papers, Journals and Conferences

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