FabLearn Europe (June 2014, Denmark)

Dates: 16 June 2014
Location: Aarhus University, Denmark
Website: http://www.fablearn.eu
Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2014


FabLearn Europe invites submissions for the first joint FabLearn conference in Europe to be held on June 16, 2014 at Aarhus University. The one-day conference organized jointly by Stanford University, Bremen University and Aarhus University brings together international researchers, educators, designers, and makers to discuss and explore digital fabrication in education, making, and hands-on learning for the 21st Century. FabLearn Europe is a spinoff of the global FabLearn conference, and builds on the strong and dedicated community that has developed around the event for the past three years at Stanford University.

We are seeking submissions for short papers, workshops and demos in the areas of new emerging technologies for digital fabrication, innovative ways of education, theoretical reflections, methods and techniques, to discuss and showcase best-practice and innovative ideas in research and education with digital fabrication.

We are inviting contributions in the following areas:

·      Explorations and evaluations of digital fabrication in schools such as best practice, case studies,
·      New methods for digital fabrication that have been tested in educational contexts
·      Theoretical concerns concerning digital technologies, education or fabrication.
·      Emerging technologies for digital fabrication
·      Design thinking, innovation or entrepreneurship in education

FabLearn Europe will initiate a special issue on Digital fabrication in Elsevier International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Submissions are due 30 April, 2014 by 11:59pm (CET).

Types of Submissions

SHORT PAPERS (position statements)
For experienced and younger researchers to present current and future projects in the realm of digital fabrication and “making” in educational settings. Authors are encouraged to demonstrate original research results and work in progress that show the latest innovative ideas. The paper must cite relevant published work, indicate novel approaches, and stress the importance of the submission to the digital fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities. At the conference, authors of accepted short papers will give Pecha Kucha presentations (20 slides x 20 sec.) of their work. They will also have the optional opportunity to present posters to speak with attendees about their work.

Submission Format
Page limit: 4 pages.
Format: SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Word Template<http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform/sigchi-extended-abstracts-word-template/view>

For educators and designers to lead a 2hour workshop for conference participants demonstrating best-practice of innovative digital fabrication and/or hands-on learning activities used in classrooms, museums, and any other type of learning space. All workshops are repeated in two rounds; morning and afternoon.

Submission Format
Page limit: 2-3 pages (including 3 pictures).
Format: SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Word Template<http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform/sigchi-extended-abstracts-word-template/view>
1. Title and abstract
2. A description of the focus, scope and format of the workshop, who is expected to participate, main topics and expected workshop outcomes.
3. An explanation of the importance of your submission to the digital
fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities.
4. Logistical details: maximum number of participants and all your technology/space needs.

For developers and educators to showcase new digital fabrication tools, hands-on learning platforms, construction kits applicable to education, and student projects. At the conference, authors and presenters of demos will showcase their product or projects. Your submission should contain a detailed description of the product or project being demonstrated, an explanation of its importance to the digital fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities, and any power or space needs.

Submission Format
Page limit: 2-3 pages (including 3 pictures)
Format: SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Word Template

Other information
Submissions website: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fablearn14
Conference website: www.fablearn.eu<http://www.fablearn.eu>
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/fablearnEurope<http://www.facebook.com/groups/fablearnEurope>

About Fil Salustri
I'm a design methodologist and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada. Adjectives that describe me include: secular humanist, meritocrat, and long-winded. Some people call me a positivist too, as if that were a bad thing. Go figure. My real home page is http://deseng.ryerson.ca/~fil.

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