PAD #12 Call for submissions (Sep 2014)

Deadline for submissions: UPDATED 29 September 2014

PAD (Pages on Arts and Design) is an international, open access, and peer-reviewed e-journal published twice a year. PAD publishes original and qualified intellectual production in all area of design and arts research. It provides an international and interactive forum for the exchange of ideas, debate and criticism. PAD findings from researchers and professionals across different countries and cultures of the Mediterranean areas and encourages research on the impact of cultural factors on design theory and practice.

The publication of each issue will coincide with the publication of the call for papers for the following monographic issue on Call page.
The journal is identified by an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1972-7887) and each its article carries an Article Number (AN). All the articles are freely available online upon publication. They are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Bodies of interaction: physical, virtual  and social interfaces
keywords: body-environment, interactive artifacts, new media
editor: Daniele Savasta

deadline: September 8, 2014

The editor invites contributions to the issue no.12 of Pad -pages on arts and design- online journal (to be released in November 2014) that will be focused on the interactions between bodies of humans and non-humans.


In the last decades, since the computers became portable and ubiquitous the everyday life of people changed drastically. How we communicate and socialize, the way we gather for fun or work, the concepts of entertainments and occupations changed and are still mutating. The continual introduction of innovative interfaces as experiment or as product in the market impact thoughts and actions. The relations between the human and the non-human bodies are in a constant dialogue, re-discussion and contradiction. The facts and actions in the virtual world regulate and organize in a different manner the actions in the physical world. The digital appendices alter the life in the city and its fluxes. The control of the electronic extensions of our body increasingly involve the gestures of the natural body and cause its modification.

The fact is that these digital artifacts influence our behaviors and a critique of the trigger factors must be encouraged and increased. The vast span of disciplines and research fields involved denote the complexity of the topic including, between the others approaches, interaction design and human-computer interaction, anthropology and urban informatics, psychology and design for services, embodied interaction and sociology.

The focus of the 12 issue of Pad journal is on the interactions between digital artifacts and human behaviors. In specific on the relations, influences, modifications between these devices and the human body viewed as physical, virtual and/or social. The author is free to interpret the theme from his own perspective and with the filter of his discipline, although an interdisciplinary approach is warmly encouraged.

Call for contributions

We invite academics, scholars, educators, researchers and practitioners to contribute original papers that are included, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Track 1 – The human body
– How the emerging interfaces are involving our senses, gestures, physical body?
– How the prototyping tools are helping to fill the gaps between the design and electronics world empowering the diffusion and the creation of new extended body in the physical world?
– How the diffusion of house robots is perceived and how its changing thanks to their physical structure?
– Since visionary devices are becoming real which scenarios can we envision for our future?

Track 2 – The virtual body
– What is the role of virtual identities in the daily life?
– How and to what extent, the perception of self-change in a virtual environment?
– How the role and perception of identities online changed according to the digital artifacts and common consciousness?
– What is the role of digital artifacts in our physical actions?
– How the evolution of digital artifacts changed our perception of the so-called “black boxes”?

Track 3 – The social body
– What is the role of digital artifacts in our social life? Which interfaces are populating our life and how they change/improve/limit our social interactions?
– Which interfaces are being designed for our cities in terms of the citizens’ life and their relationships?
– Which role can be defined for digital artifacts in the urban spaces?
– How a critique approach to interaction design can enlarge the vision of diffused digital artifacts and their influences on our life?

Track 4 – Bodies relations
– What are the relations created between our bodies (physical, virtual, social) by digital artifacts?


The main language of Pad is English. Although, as usual customs of Pad, the proposals can be submitted in a second language other than English.


Full paper must be received by September 8, 2014. All text will be blind reviewed by peer experts.

The submission will includes:

1) Title (max. 70 characters)
2) Meta-description (156 characters)
3) 3-5 keywords
4) Short abstract (~100 words/ ~600 characters)
5) Text (~4000 words / ~25000 characters)
6) References
7) 3-9 images accompanied by captions
In addition:
8) Short biography of ~50 words
9) Full name, title, affiliations, and email address

Detailed information

Title: The length of the title is limited due to the web format and optimization for web research engines.

Meta-description: it is a summary of the article used by the most common web research engines with a fixed length of 156 characters.

Keywords: The keywords codify the terms from the title, the abstract and the text of the paper.

Abstract: The abstract is an essential part of the paper that work as a concise description of the content.

Text: The author/s declare the manuscript as original and provide citations to the work they are referring to.

Images: Authors are encouraged to include high-quality images free of copyright or with an obtained permission for reproduction and publication on Pad-pages on arts and design.

The accepted formats are:
– JPEG (ideal for photographic images)
– GIF or PNG (best for non-photographic images, bitmaps)

Images are connected by their names to the captions.

Short biography and authors’ data: The biography and the data of the author/s are meant to be published on the website and attached on a different file than the manuscript.


For futher information and submissions:

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