PICA 2011: BEYOND: the un-convention (May 2011, Banff, Canada)

Dates: May 1-3, 2011
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Deadline for Proposals: March 25, 2011
Website: http://www.picaconference.ca/

The GDC Alberta North Chapterʼs focus is to inspire, educate and grow local talent with the goal of strengthening the entire industry. With this purpose in mind, we have partnered with the University of Alberta and MacEwan University to include an Education Stream that will open the Pica Conference. Design academics and graduate students are invited to submit papers for consideration.

The focus of PICA 2011 is on pushing the boundaries of graphic design and visual communications. In the Education Stream we are exploring new and innovative approaches, practices and thoughts concerning design education. For example presentations could be theoretical in nature, they could document research project, they could document work or a project completed, or they could present proposals for new educational models.

Presentation Formats
There are two presentation formats at the conference:

  • For Academics: 30 minute paper presentations (20 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A);
  • For Grad Students & Early Career Academics: Pecha Kucha style presentations (20 slides for 20 seconds each for 6:40 minutes total).

We invite contributions on all topics and perspectives related to this.

In addition to the formal presentation models there will a variety of opportunities for informal discussion, debate and networking.

Submission & Deadlines
Submissions are subject to peer review. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word .doc format. For both 30- minute paper and Pecha Kucha presentations (individual or multi-author) submit an abstract of 300-500 words with 5-10 keywords. Please ensure that your submission has your name and school affiliation on the first page with your keywords and abstract on the second page.

All presenters will receive conference proceedings and certificates of participation at completion of conference. Letters of invitation for travel or visa purposes will be provided to accepted presenters that request them.

Alternative forms: we are also very interested in supporting alternative forms and processes through which to participate and stimulate debate and discussion, think: panels, roundtables and workshops but feel free to move beyond!

Submissions (in Microsoft Word .doc format) can be mailed to: education@picaconference.ca

Key Dates
25 March 2011 Deadline to receive abstract papers and alternative forms submissions
30 March 2011 Notification of acceptance
22 April 2011 Deadline to receive final full papers for conference proceedings
May 1-3, 2011 Pica Conference

Note that registering for, and presenting at, the Education Stream gives you full access to all the other talks and events at the Pica conference.

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