
. Glimpses of architecture, instants, daily moments without filter: they all, in different ways, tell the story of the life of the buildings that make up a contemporary city.

[…] In the early hours of the morning, the commuters are vulnerable, naked, and the pictures that I snap of them without being seen, reveal the raw and melancholic mosaic of a city that I’ve called my home for twenty years”

Antonio Monda – Author – “Inside the Naked City”


This Photo contest aims at selecting pictures linked to the thematic relationship between the modern city and the people inhabiting it. Streets, squares, buildings and borders…. are a daily part of people’s lives, they become essential elements of who we are and of how we perceive a city.


The city is what represents us, what shows us for what we are, our mission is to portray it realistically, for what it actually is. We live her, we play with her, we leave her, we fall in love with her and then, day by day, we underestimate her.


Let’s try to prove our love with a photo, making her feel what we feel for her. Let’s undress her…leave her naked.



The participation is free; every architect, student and professional or amateur photographer, without age limits can participate. It is possible to participate only as individual and not in a group. To participate send a mail to with a maximum of five pictures. Specify the author’s name and the surname, the image’s title, the represented town’s name and a short description (ten lines maximum) about the picture and the photographic project. The jury will select the most representative pictures and the winner. Every selected picture will be expose to a public exhibit in October at MEM – Mediateca del Mediterraneo in Cagliari (Italy) and they can be published online. The author will print the pictures considered appropriate and send to an address that will be communicated at a later stage, while the promoters will print the winning picture.

For further information please refer to the website:

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